"Once I discovered the constellations were more than a pretty little twinkle to wish upon, I grabbed those stars and stored them in my closet!"


Sunday, November 27, 2011

SAG update!

Ok, ok, so we've been in Sagittarius for aboutttttt 5 days now. It's about time we catch up on some things: ponytails + riding boots + ponchos + bronzer. That's the name of the game these days. Truthfully, my hair isn't long enough to sport the ever so perfect horse mane pony tail i've been coveting, but f that s, I can get down with my little pony.
This time of year, I want to be a hunter, jet setter, equestrian, socialite. Gonna eat all that for breakfast on a big plate with a side of suede & leather...perhaps some fringe. To drink: a tall glass of well tailored wide leg trousers and blazers-not at the same time. err.

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